How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Blood Stream

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Blood Stream

Weed is one of the most addictive drugs out there and it’s easy to get hooked on it. If you keep using it for a long time, it can seriously mess with your body’s vital organs, like your heart. In fact, prolonged use of weed can even lead to death.

Now, you might be wondering, how long does the effect of weed stay in your body? Well, compared to other types of drugs, weed can stick around in your system for a pretty long time. This is because it’s lipophilic, which means it dissolves in fat and can stay in the fat layer after entering your body.

So, how long the effect of weed lasts in your body depends on how much you use and how often you use it, whether you smoke it or eat it. There are a few ways to find out, including:

Urine Test

The easiest way to detect if someone has used weed is to do a urine test. But, how long does weed stay in your urine?

  • If you’ve only used weed once, it can stay in your urine for 5-8 days.
  • If you’ve used weed 2-4 times in one week, it can stay in your urine for 11-18 days.
  • If you’ve used weed 2-4 times in one month, it can stay in your body for 23-35 days.
  • If you use weed 5-6 times a week, it can stay in your body for 33-48 days.
  • If you use weed every day, it can stay in your body for 49-63 days.

The reason why weed can stay in your body for so long is because of a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which binds to fat in your body.

So, it takes a long time for your body to get rid of weed. Even if you stop using it, it can still show up in your urine for up to a month.

Blood Test

  • How long does weed stay in your blood? This also depends on how often you use it.
  • If you’ve only used it once, it can stay in your blood for 24 hours.
  • If you’ve used it 2-4 times a week, it can stay in your blood for 72 hours.
  • If you use it every day, it can stay in your blood for up to a week.

So, if you’re a regular weed user, be aware that it can stay in your system for a long time, even after you stop using it.

Saliva Test

If you’re a weed user, your history of use can be detected through a saliva test. But, the weed effects in your saliva don’t last long.
Here’s how long weed can stay in your saliva:
  • A single use of weed can be detected in saliva for up to 24 hours.
  • Regular use of weed (2-4 times per week) can be detected in saliva for up to 72 hours.
  • Daily use of weed can be detected in saliva for up to 1 week.

Hair Test

Weed metabolism in your hair occurs after 7 days of use. But the effects can last for up to 90 days.
Usually, the hair closest to the root will be taken and tested to check your weed history.
Now, since the effects of weed can stay in your body for a long time, users have come up with various ways to quickly get rid of it.
According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, you can consume drugs like Absolute Detox XXL drink, Absolute Carbo Drinks, Ready Clean Drug Detox Drink, Fast Flush Capsules, and Ready Clean Gel Capsules to eliminate the weed effects faster. These drugs can make your urine test negative faster.
But beware, while weed can give you temporary pleasure, its long-term effects can harm your body. Long-term use can lower your brain abilities and even increase the risk of mental disorders.
So, love your body and future by avoiding dangerous drugs like weed. Drugs only provide momentary comfort, but they can lead to death.

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